Transforming Eroding Streambanks: A Collaborative Conservation Effort

Location: Geisinger Woodbine Facility, Danville PA, Montour County Partners Involved: Central PA Stream Team, Native Creations Landscape Services, Geisinger  Submitted by:  Justin Ulanoski, Native Creations Landscape Services        As we passed by the Geisinger facility, we couldn’t help but notice the eroding streambanks that marred the otherwise manicured lawn. It was clear that something…

Restoring Nature: The Bee Tree Run Riparian Buffer Success Story

Location: Bee Tree Preserve in Baltimore County Partners Involved: Gunpowder Valley Conservancy Submitted by:  Kim Thomas of the Gunpowder Valley Conservancy & Larry Quarrick of the Chesapeake Conservation Landscape Council   In celebration of Riparian Buffer Month, the Chesapeake Conservation Landscape Council (CCLC) is excited to showcase a buffer success story in central Maryland. The…

Alger Park Stream Restoration

  Location: Alger Park, Washington D.C  Partners Involved: DC Department of Energy and Environment, Department of Parks and Recreation, Department of Transportation, LimnoTech, Biohabitats, Environmental Quality Resources, Hillcrest Community Civic Association. Funders: EPA and NFWF Type of Buffer: Urban Submitted by: Matt Weber     Prior to restoration Alger Park was in a highly degraded state with…