The Eight Essential Elements of Conservation Landscaping
The following elements represent the practice of conservation landscaping. By implementing these practices, you can contribute to the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay watershed and improve the region’s water and air quality. Incorporate as many of these elements as possible into your landscape, to benefit all life in our watershed.
A conservation landscape:
- Is designed to benefit the environment and function efficiently and aesthetically for human use and well-being;
- Uses locally native plants that are appropriate for site conditions;
- Institutes a management plan for the removal of existing invasive plants and the prevention of future nonnative plant invasions;
- Provides habitat for wildlife;
- Promotes healthy air quality and minimizes air pollution;
- Conserves and cleans water;
- Promotes healthy soils;
- Is managed to conserve energy, reduce waste, and eliminate or minimize the use of pesticides and fertilizers.

Conservation landscaping at the Heritage Baptist Church in Annapolis, MD.