Rainscaping Garden Tour, Annapolis, MD, May 2013

This self-guided tour will lead you through sites demonstrating  beautiful solution to water pollution. By using our rain water in our landscapes, we can reduce pollution and surround ourselves with beauty. Visit any of 10 sites in the Annapolis/Edgewater area, demonstrating RainScaping techniques such as rain gardens, conservation landscapes, regenerative stormwater conveyance, pervious hardscapes and rainwater water harvesting.  At each location, talk with garden designers, installation experts and caretakers to learn tips and tricks to employing these powerful tools in your next project.


Green Living Showcase, Silver Spring, MD

A special event highlighting local businesses and environmental organizations that contribute to Silver Spring’s green economy, the environment, and a healthier, more vibrant community. There will be eco-demonstrations, artistic performances, and fun activities for kids. Join to learn about energy efficiency measures that save you money, green & money-saving innovations in transport, green cleaning products and more.


Trees Matter Symposium 2012

Attend Brookside Garden’s first Trees Matters Symposium on Nov 12 to learn from some of the country’s leading experts about innovative efforts to plant, protect and preserve trees in urban and suburban settings. This year’s speakers include Paul Meyer of the Morris Arboretum and Eric “T” Fleisher of Battery Park City Parks Conservancy. Trees Matter 2012 is ideal for landscape industry professionals, designers, engineers and project managers.


Chesapeake Ecology Center 10th Anniversary Celebration!

All are invited to a garden open house and native plant sale to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Chesapeake Ecology Center. The event will be held September 15 at the Adams Academy in Annapolis, MD. Native plant sales help support on-going maintenance and improvements to the 30 Native Plant Demonstration Gardens and Sites at the CEC, which are a public resource for all!


PA Wildlife Journal Book Signing

Kim Young, author of PA Wildlife Journal book will be joining the York County Conservation District for an author signing. And, Penny Decker has donated one of her gorgeous watercolor prints.  Everyone can register at the sale to win the print.

PA Wildlife Journal was specifically written and designed for the multiple grade-level students, but it’s also a great family reference. Presented in a user-friendly format, the book is highlighted by hundreds of illustrations by students, along with professional artists & photographers.
