Reforesting your Neighborhood Workshop

Reforesting Your Neighborhood Learn to create residential wooded ecosystems using the sustainable landscaping principles of woodland gardening January 16th 2016 in Westminster, MD Sara Tangran and Lyle Almond, both UME educators are teaching various sessions. [WORKSHOP] "Reforest Your Neighborhood: Learn woodland gardening" in Westminster, MD — CCLC (@ChesapeakeCLC) December 17, 2015 Maryland was…


27th Annual Landscape Design Symposium

Typically landscape designers first determine their overall design direction, and then zoom in to design the details. But in an ecology-based approach, a site’s intricate environmental characteristics can and should influence big picture decisions. This two-day conference will explore crucial aspects of the native design process, beginning at the scale of individual species, and gradually zooming out to include plant community design, ecological master planning, and methods for creating sophisticated ecological designs within the context of current as well as emerging landscape practices.


Turning A New Leaf Conference Highlights #newleafconf

"Plants play different roles in communities, just as people do." Claudia West, #newleafconf @MDSeaGrant @CleanWaterMD — Jen Dindinger (@lefthandjen) November 13, 2015 Eric won a rain garden!!! @MDSeaGrant @lefthandjen ChesapeakeCLC #newleafconf — CleanwaterMD (@CleanWaterMD) November 13, 2015 "We need to flip flop the paradigm of landscaping", says Doug Tallamy in #hometownhabitat at #newleafconf…
