Planting It Forward With “Scotty Scholars”

Blogger Shereen Hughes November 14th 2023     A year ago, in October 2022, we lost an amazing Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional (CBLP), Scotty Guinn Dilworth. Scotty practiced what we preach at CCLC. She utilized the Eight Essential Elements of Conservation Landscaping long before becoming a certified CBLP. Scotty designed beautiful conservation landscapes and utilized…


Park Drive Gullies and Stream Restoration Project

Location: Washington, D.C, Park Drive between Branch Ave. & 30th St. SE Type of buffer: Urban Partners Involved: D.C Department of Energy and Environment, Biohabitats, Inc. Submitted by: Josh Burch & Matt Gallagher     The District of Columbia Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE) has recently achieved a significant milestone in environmental restoration on National Park…


Riparian Forest Buffer in Sussex County

Location: Sussex County (Inland Bays Watershed) Type of buffer: Agricultural  Partners Involved: The State of Delaware through DNREC and the USDA Commodity Credit Corporation – through Farm Service Agency (FSA) and the National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Submitted by:  Phil Miller,     The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) is part…


Transforming Eroding Streambanks: A Collaborative Conservation Effort

Location: Geisinger Woodbine Facility, Danville PA, Montour County Partners Involved: Central PA Stream Team, Native Creations Landscape Services, Geisinger  Submitted by:  Justin Ulanoski, Native Creations Landscape Services        As we passed by the Geisinger facility, we couldn’t help but notice the eroding streambanks that marred the otherwise manicured lawn. It was clear that something…


Restoring Nature: The Bee Tree Run Riparian Buffer Success Story

Location: Bee Tree Preserve in Baltimore County Partners Involved: Gunpowder Valley Conservancy Submitted by:  Kim Thomas of the Gunpowder Valley Conservancy & Larry Quarrick of the Chesapeake Conservation Landscape Council   In celebration of Riparian Buffer Month, the Chesapeake Conservation Landscape Council (CCLC) is excited to showcase a buffer success story in central Maryland. The…


Revitalizing Lodge Creek: A Community-Driven Buffer Project in Charlottesville, VA

Location: Lodge Creek Urban Buffer Partners Involved: Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District Type of Buffer: Urban Submitted by: Blair Blanchette   In Charlottesville, VA, a remarkable project has taken shape: a 1,500 square foot residential buffer aimed at revegetating 100 feet of Lodge Creek. This initiative not only addresses critical environmental concerns but…
