CCLC builds the capacity and network of landscape professionals to serve as stewards, educators, and ambassadors across the Chesapeake Bay watershed, ensuring ecological function, improving water quality, and enhancing biodiverse habitat.
We educate and support professionals to implement sustainable landscapes and green infrastructure practices for a healthy and resilient Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Strategic Planning Priorities
In summer 2021, CCLC Board and Staff developed a three year strategic plan, which includes the following overarching goals:
- Increase organizational stability and impact by ensuring consistent and adequate revenue
- Expand CBLP certification training in new markets in the watershed
- Increase awareness of CCLC brand and mission
- Strengthen partnerships with relevant organizations to promote sustainable landscaping and advance CCLC’s mission
The CCLC Board works through committees to achieve its goals and mission. The committees are:
- Executive
- Development
- Finance
- Outreach
- Training and Standards (CBLP)
- Governance
Each committee will develop Work Plans to advance the specific strategies identified above, along with the corresponding objectives, strategies, and metrics developed during the planning process, to promote and advance conservation landscaping throughout the watershed.
Strategies may change over time based on new resources or information that benefit the goal and mission of the organization or new partnership opportunities.